Tagged: voting

Register to Vote: A 5 Minute Guide on How To Register Online for Californians

As many of you saw, last night was the first presidential debate between President Obama, and GOP candidate Mitt Romney. This meant, of course, that this morning’s radio shows were packed with election information. I was listening to NPR and they mentioned that “young” voters were still the most underrepresented group in the electorate based on those who are registered.

Politics are difficult. I agree. I was a Political Science major at U of M and it is a pain in the ass kind of subject, if you are not at least 80% dedicated to staying in the loop.You’re suppose to keep up on current issues, figure out what is most important to you, research the issues, try to filter through all of the crap candidates may or may not be dishing out and make an educated choice. It is time consuming, it is difficult, and it is important.  Do you want someone else making choices about your future for you? Please take the initiative and register to vote. THE LAST DAY TO REGISTER IS OCTOBER 22nd!  Here’s how:

  1. Make sure your browser is to date, they recommend using Internet Explorer 7.0 or higher though Firefox 12.0 or the latest version of Safari will also suffice.
  2. Go to this link at the California Secretary of State : ONLINE VOTER REGISTRATION
  3. Follow the steps provided and answer each question.
  4. They system will automatically search the CA DMV database for your driver license or ID card number, date of birth, and last four of your social security number. If your info is found and you authorize election officials the use of your DMV signature (what is on your DL), an electronic image of your DMV signature will be added to your voter registration application after you click “submit”
  5. *IF you do NOT have a signature on file with the DMV, you will have to print the application, sign and mail it in. You will be contacted by your county elections official when your application is approved.
  6. If you are not sure if you are registered to vote, please click the following link to check your registration status

Take the initiative to have your voice heard. If you have questions, please leave a comment and let me know!